Drums/Precise Rythmic Speed Pounding

Larz Drummin' At 1000 MPH Name: 
Birth Place: 
Other Vitals: 
Calls Home: 
Lars Ulrich
Dec. 16, 1963
Gentofte, Denmark
130 lbs
Green Eyes, br/bl hair
Berkely, CA


Marital status: Married (January 1997)

Drives: Porsche, Chevy Blazer, Range Rover, Saab

Drinks: Dry white wine, Evian, tea

Eats: French food, tuna, sushi, frozen yogurt

Sports teams: San Jose Sharks, San Francisco 49ers, Tampa Bay Buccaneers

Before Metallica: None

Pre-Metallica career: Paper boy, gas station attendant

Likes: Hanging with my wife, running, scuba diving, skiing, movies, fashion, art

Listens to: Oasis, AIC, Black Grape, my wife

Heroes: Guillermo Vilas (Argentinian tennis player), Ritchie Blackmore, Ace Frehley

First concert: Deep Purple, 1973, Copenhagen

Describes self as: Anticipating, stubborn, spontaneous, sarcastic, talkative, silly, squeaky

Gimme Some Sugar Baby

Background Information

Lars was barely 10 years old when he attended a Deep Purple concert and learned what music could be. This was no small feat when you think of the music that young Lars had been exposed to up until that time. His father ran a small jazz club and was very involved in Europe's jazz scene. The legendary sax player Dexter Gordon is even Lars' godfather.

It was Deep Purple and Ritchie Blackmore that changed the world for Lars. He was impressed enough from their concert that he purchased their Fireball album the next day. Three years later at age 13, he persuaded his grandmother to buy him his first drum kit.Whatd'ya Call Me Bitch?

Drums and music took a backseat to tennis, his father's profession. Lars was a ranked junior player in his native Denmark when the Ulrichs moved to Newport Beach, California. There, Lars was just another tennis player, not the notable player he was in Denmark.

Shortly after, tennis became less important, and Lars fell prey to the guilty pleasures of southern California: sex, drugs and rock n' roll... Lots of rock n' roll. Lars' passion for music grew, and he began trading tapes to obtain his beloved blend of European metal.

In June of 1981, Lars, the ultimate fan boy, flew to England to catch some shows by his now favorite band, Diamond Head. Somehow, some way, Lars managed to talk his way into living with the band in England until he had had to return to California. Back home, he found his tape trading friend Brian Slagel looking for bands to record tracks for an album that would be released on his new Metal Blade Records. Lars secured himself a spot on that album.

But, Lars had no band.Mommy, I'm bored

Before going to England he had jammed with a James Hetfield, a singer and guitar player. That jam had its share of problems... Lars' timekeeping wasn't that solid and the cymbals fell victim to gravity a bit too often. But now, he had bait: a spot on an album.

Hetfield took the bait, and Metallica was born.

Music now shares the front seat with Lars' wife and child, and the drummer has learned to relax a bit more, but he's still very much in the driver's seat.

Equiment List For Metallica's Skin Pounder


That's A Lotta Shit



REMO DRUMHEADSOOOWWWW... This Nipple Ring Is Killin' Me


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